another reason to dislike Banville

jd wescac at
Sun Aug 20 13:00:49 CDT 2006

Boyle is kind of a tool from what I saw... there are writers who write
and don't really make a big deal out of it...  Jonathan Lethem was a
pretty down to earth guy from what I saw, for example.  But then there
are those, like Banville and Boyle, who seem to think that it simply
makes them better than you.  Boyle sort of acts like you really should
be sucking his toes while he speaks, because it's simply that much of
an honor to listen to a PhD of early brit lit read some thinly veiled
allegory for a decaying relationship (tooth & claw).

On 8/19/06, Dave Monroe <monropolitan at> wrote:
> --- Carvill John <johncarvill at> wrote:
> > As if you might pass out from shock at someone
> > reading a short story. Come on!
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