prehistoric Byron the Bulb

pynchonoid pynchonoid at
Sun Aug 27 19:19:04 CDT 2006

The Mystery of Ever-Burning Lamps
Ellen Lloyd
August 23, 2006

"Now the House of Solomon the King was illuminated as
by day, for in his wisdom he had made shining pearls
which were like unto the sun, the moon and the stars
in the roof of his house."

(From: "The Queen of Sheba and Her Only Son Menyelek")

Imagine that you find a small burning lamp hidden deep
in an ancient vault. This mysterious lamp, which is in
perfect preservation, has burned continuously without
fuel for the last 2,000 years. What would you think of
your remarkable discovery?

Most likely you would wonder whether the precious lamp
that you are holding in your hands is a magical
object, a work of God, or perhaps some evil powers.
Could this ancient treasure be a proof of highly
advanced technology? Did our ancestors discover the
secret of eternal light?

Although it might sound amazing, and for some even
impossible certain extraordinary findings clearly show
that perpetual light was rather common in prehistory.
I deal with advanced ancient technology in "Voices
from Legendary Times" to a large extent. In my book I
uncover a number of strange enigmas from all over the
world. Perpetual light is an ancient technology that
to this today remains a mystery. [....]

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