eating shit in GR

Dustin Iler osirx277 at
Sat Feb 11 21:11:11 CST 2006

Are you thinking of Brigadier Pudding eating Katje's shit? That would be on 
pg. 238 of the great books of the 20th Century edition, and on pg. 235 of 
the Penguin 20th Century Classics edition.

But since you said later on in the book, you could perhaps be thinking of 
the dinner with Bodine, Mexico, and a host of others. Which in the edition 
you mention is on 729 (starting a page or two prior) and in the 20th century 
classics on page 716 or so.

Hope that your hunger is satiated.

Take Care,

>From: tony antoniadis <tony.antoniadis at>
>To: pynchon-l-digest at
>Subject: eating shit in GR
>Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2006 21:55:02 -0500
>ah, a quick question for yiz pynchon scholars:
>in gravity's rainbow (penguin great books of the 20th century edition)
>there is a passage where someone (and I forget who) is eating shit,
>it's a page of glorious shit-eating which startlingly, seamslessly
>follows a passage on other kinds of boiled european foodstuffs on a
>plate--and it's fairly late in the book. the passage ends with the
>information that the sounds of the crud chewingis the only sound in
>the room--kind of similar to the sound of a dog eating peanut butter.
>not sure if I added this detail from my own depraved storehouse or if
>its pynchon, but surely, surely, one of you great people can point me
>to the right page.
>thanks in advance, and sorry to assault you with this. (the stakes are
>not major, but not minor either)
>all best,
>tony antoniadis

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