NP: Glenn Scheper's got time to post... little posts

Joe Allonby joeallonby at
Fri Feb 17 21:00:06 CST 2006

Get well soon, Glenn.

On 2/17/06, Glenn Scheper <glenn_scheper at> wrote:
> A person nodding off failed to hold his lane, his pickup(?) doing pegged
> speedo(?) by hill bottom, demolished my trunkspace and raised my 80 surely
> over 100 MPH about 4 AM Monday on the 14 SB near Sand Canyon(?).
> >
> >I bounced to the right, and bounced to the left, having time for the
> passionless insight that I was about to die. That's okay--all do. I think
> the air bag deployed at that wall. It demolished half the engine space, and
> broke my brake foot, and some ribs on both sides. I remember no more of the
> ride, but ended up parked on the right, and was able to climb out, to lay
> out but not to get up. Now I know how a carrom feels.
> >
> >The scary parts were hearing the FD and private ambulance arguing over
> using a board or not, and later,
> >seeing, before learning, how huge a bubble is tolerable in the IV. The
> hospital is such a discursive space: management taking place in the open
> air, in the ears of all. Hey, I am tapping with two fingers now!
> >
> >It took three tries to start the CAT scan; I quipped they should have
> bought the warantee. Comedy lobe works.
> >But the sonograph they used to view my heart was portable with a
> delightful GUI--a good toy!
> >
> >Last night the orthopedic surgeon fixed my foot with "allogenic" filler,
> which I happen to recognize means
> >the bones of dead people, and they say I have a tiny pneumothorax
> (pulling away) on one lung, and small
> >contusion (bruise) on the other lung, but in two days I am already
> pulling myself around with the bedrails.
> >
> >I asked the nurse the "weightless" question, "When do you think I can
> return to work?
> >No answer. I asked "One month...Less...More?" She said I'd need to go to
> therapy first.
> >
> >But I had prophetic insights that clearly foreshadow this work, so I am
> assured and I am joyful!
> >
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