Glenn Scheper's status: Looking up!

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at
Mon Feb 20 01:56:48 CST 2006

Despite an auto accident seems to be a disordered event, with its forces and
outcomes utterly out of control, there are elements in my accident that belie
the concerned hand of the Lord, working for my benefit.

First, there were two mental statements heard that seem to be relevant:

1. Mid-day Friday: "Trust me: You want it." This was loud, and clear, and had
a quality that I'd have to call "golden", a quality of trust-worthiness.

2. Saturday: "I am backing your devil." This suggests to me an umbrella
of competence, even in the area of applying a destructive force (a devil?).
I would solicit other opinions. Nobody wants anything to do with devils.

Second, I was talking to a cop who works heart/trauma one night a week. As
he was describing anatomy, I realized that the one exercise that I've been doing
diligently, ab crunches, and sometimes, flies, were as if a surprise survival recipe.

Third, I have hearkened to Susan's prophetic themes: 1. Of resting / being carried
in the Lord; 2. of walls we cannot tear down (arising out of our own competence);
3. of double-mindedness. 

Whatever little changes in (1,2,3) I had acheived, or even hoped for, of my own power,
they are dwarfed by the effects of this auto accident, a clear answering of desires (1,2).
I even strarted to fret over how fast I'd have to get back to work, but my employer has
an insurance to pay the 2/3 of income that disability doesn't, so that will work out too.

Item 3 is technical, pertaining to spiritual "eunuchs".  But again, the Lord will acheive
His perfect work, and it will have a coherence that I could not wrest myself. No doubt
Susan's bird references overlap in Isaiah? that: "No vulture/eagle will lack her mate".

For the last few weeks, I've been holding a URL prize I wished to share here, but each
morning I''d race in to work, and resume my voluminous web reading, and took no time
to write.  The page is inherently Anti-Christ, but it is so comprehensive a history as to
be a resource for Christians:

Their goal of metahistory, blinded by lack of faith, makes every conclusion stink, a cesspool
worth studying. My attention was riveted by a mid-paper assertion that the Rosetta stone
first opened up Egyptian ideas to influence Western thought (philosophy and theology).

I think that further digging in that area will reveal a specific instantiation of the 
Jewish historical fact / generalizable principle that: "Egypt is a broken reed; Everyone
that takes hold on her/it will be pierced through the hand" (approx.) It has something
to do with the essential deficit of one type of non-faith thinking that grips this age.

I think it is significant that the mark I received in my right hand, a pair of red dotted
circles, that is, a double 'sun sign', was accompanied by a feeling running up and down
the forearm, which also fits the form of a reed, as used here, and perhaps in Revelation.

To just tick off some other spurs surfed or noticed:

(I had started a major effort on the recent flourish of grail secrets debunkers..)

My grasp on history is novice, but, if there was one thing the Jews killed for, beside
real estate, it was for ridance of idolatry, also of Baal worship. I am really attached
to an idea that Television is this age's exact literal implementation of idols/idolatry.
Meanwhile, the metahistorian would conflate Jesus with solar gods, and point to the
long pre-history of solar gods to suggest that Jesus is likely just another myth.

But the OT goes on at length to emphasize that the Lord is not Baal. That is,
whatever the Jew's I AM, THAT I AM is, exactly, He doesn't want to be confused
with the mere sun, a prime mover to modern science, bringing the effect of cereal.

But of all things fertility cult, whether yoni or linga oriented, there seems to be no
beast quite like man. There was an amazing book of last century, available online,
approx. "The male cross in Christianity....' which gave a stunning comparison of
the Jewish temple practices to pagan fertility rituals. Very Convincing!

And yet, despite all the similarities, I tell you: This is not that! The metahistoricizers
easily compare, but lack essential truths of religion necessary to contrast.

Maybe we can rectify that this year.

Well, I better put my Jetson index finger to sleep now, if it's not already overextended.

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