What Bad Book are You?
Humberto Torofuerte
strongbool at gmail.com
Sun Feb 26 18:30:39 CST 2006
The King James Bible.
On 2/17/06, Paul Mackin <paul.mackin at verizon.net> wrote:
> On Feb 17, 2006, at 9:21 AM, Elainemmbell at aol.com wrote:
> Oh, awful!!! I lost my best friend in high school over Ayn Rand so my
> grudge is deep and permanent (Diane became a mad objectivist and couldn't
> "countenance" friendship any more)... I trust she came to a bad end.
> Is this a general type reaction--against friendships--that objectivism
> fosters? Didn't Alan Greenspan have thousands of good close friends in
> Washington? :-)
> Hey literary folk--new topic: I've just discovered Alan Hollinghurst...
> can anyone weigh in about his work? Just finished *The Line of Beauty*,
> and I must say "OGEE!"
> Loved the book. It's stuck with me better than most novels I've read in
> recent years. The protagonist seemed to have quite a fascination with
> Margaret Thatcher. They have a dance together at a big political get
> together in the rich home where the poor hero is living. Thatcher comes off
> fairly sympathetically, considering. Is THAT by any chance a gay thing?
> Like Judy Garland? But, seriously, the book is first rate. As expected
> there's a very lot of the homoerotic, but the majority of the characters
> are straight. The people SURROUNDING Thatcher don't come off at all well.
> _Line of Beauty_ was my first Hollinghurst since _Swimming Pool Library_.
> Hollinghurst has turned into a superb novelist IMHO.
> In a message dated 2/17/2006 9:14:11 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> ghetta_outta at hotmail.com writes:
> But I was a TRULY BAD book: Atlas Shrugged
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