motrix MD3PAD 13-15

pynchonoid pynchonoid at
Mon Jan 9 12:42:12 CST 2006


Kepler tried all sorts of mystical notions to describe
planetary orbits, using the Platonic solids Eric
Weisstein's World of Math and musical analogies.
Spread out through his voluminous calculations in
Astronomia Nova, however, were three gems: Kepler's
laws Eric Weisstein's World of Physics of planetary
motion. For the formulation of these laws, Kepler is
considered the founder of physical astronomy. The
first law states that the planets move in elliptical
Eric Weisstein's World of Math orbits with the Sun
Eric Weisstein's World of Astronomy at one focus. Eric
Weisstein's World of Physics The second law states
that the planets sweep out equal areas in equal times
(which is equivalent to the statement of conservation
of angular momentum. Eric Weisstein's World of
Physics) The third law states that the period squared
in proportional to the semimajor axis Eric Weisstein's
World of Math cubed. Kepler believed that the planets
were kept in their orbits by a "anima motrix" (motive
soul), but later modified it to "vis motrix" (life
force). He also studied optics as an aspect of
astronomy in Astronomiae Pars Optica (1604), and
developed the concept of a ray. [...]
"everything connects"

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