
Sean Mannion third_eye_unmoved at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 20 21:47:19 CST 2006

and a belated happy new year to all,

Among other things, I trust everyone's entry into 2006 was pleasant enough 
(or if not, then at least stenciled by the reassurance of not waking up in a 

Two things I hope are of some interest; found and read these while clearing 
out a tonne of unread newspapers last week,

'Reflections in the Evening Land' (Harold Bloom on Whitman, Melville, the 
2004 elections, etc.,)

'Last of the Unfilmables' (thought this would be of interest given the 
recent 'filming GR' posts -- hadn't thought about the Beckett Trilogy, -- 
makes an obvious if worthy of remembering point about narrative)

Furthermore, thanks to all for the feedback on the critical theory type 
thread -- couldn't respond because of patchy internet access over the last 
month and hate reviving thread past their life expectancy, but nice topic 
all the same, though have to admit my own amateur status;
anyway, hope these are of some interest.

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