NP Vollmann's "Europe Central"

bekah bekah0176 at
Mon Jul 3 19:52:06 CDT 2006

3 stars out of a total possible ?

I think maybe Vollmann learned a little lesson about listening to his 
editor.  EC could have stood a little editing but not that much; I 
only felt bogged down in a couple of the longer chapters.   Also, 
Vollmann mentioned somewhere, the beginning of the Notes (?),   that 
he had failed to convince his editor of the need for his chronology 
(which I would have found helpful).


At 3:38 PM -0400 7/3/06, jd wrote:
>I'd probably give this a three star
>rating...  simply because the beginning was pretty decent and Vollmann
>certainly isn't a SHITTY writer, just maybe one, at least in this
>book, who should have known better when to turn the computer off
>instead of wailing away at tangents and repetition.

>That said I'm still interested in Europe Central and I certainly enjoy
>Rising Up and Rising Down (while repetitive, and a lot of it doesn't
>really seem to impart a good knowledge of history and instead sort of
>conveys good sound bytes for general good logic, it works far better
>there and I have a lot of hope for the last two books, which are sort
>of "case studies" it sounds like, and looks to be very interesting).

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