NP Vollmann's / external referents (hyperlinks)
Anville Azote
anville.azote at
Sat Jul 8 20:03:57 CDT 2006
On 7/8/06, Dave Monroe <monropolitan at> wrote:
> From the first issue (September 2004) of what I
> presume is a since failed "men's magazine" (albeit
> more GQ than Penthouse) called Vitals ...
> Sound Well-Read
> Ten heavyweight books you should have on your shelf
> even if you never read them.
> Finnegans Wake
> Moby Dick
> Remembrance of Things Past
> The Sound and the Fury
> War and Peace
> Gravity's Rainbow
> Middlemarch
> You Bright and Risen Angels
> Of Human Bondage
I can't help thinking about the scene in "Se7en" where Mills (Brad
Pitt) and Somerset (Morgan Freeman) are sitting in a car, shuffling
through a computer printout to try to track a serial killer by his
library check-out habits.
Mills: "Of Human Bondage". . . Bondage?
Somerset: Not what you think.
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