Just an idea

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at verizon.net
Mon Jul 10 18:30:06 CDT 2006

On Jul 10, 2006, at 1:34 PM, rich wrote:

> On 7/10/06, Ya Sam <takoitov at hotmail.com> wrote:
> As we know Pynchon was pretty much aware of what he was going to  
> achieve
> from the very start. Hence the famous quote from his 1964 letter to  
> Candida
> Donadio about 'four novels-in-progress':  "If they come out on paper
> anything like they are inside my head, then it will be the literary  
> event of
> the millennium." It is not that easy to determine which four novels he
> meant. One might suppose that these have been Lot 49, GR, Vineland,  
> and M&D.
> ________________________
> definitely GR and M&D, Japanese Insurance adjustor (parts of which  
> pbly ended up in Vineland) and something else--maybe the new book  
> is that something else or emerged someway from that something else
> lot 49 and Vineland--both were quickly dashed off, one for money,  
> vineland maybe for money, too (man's gotta put food on table gladly  
> give his pay for these)
> >From: jd <wescac at gmail.com>
> >To: rich < richard.romeo at gmail.com>
> >CC: "Dave Monroe" <monropolitan at yahoo.com>, "Ya Sam"
> ><takoitov at hotmail.com >,        pynchon-l at waste.org
> >Subject: Re: Just an idea
> >Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 00:12:18 -0400
> >
> >
> >In truth, in his old age Pynchon has become bitter towards his fame
> >and his fanatical fans.  The book, indeed, was composed in two days,
> >written on a single roll of Scott Tissue toilet paper (they're big
> >rolls) and is a run of the mill pulp story revolving primarily around
> >the police chief of Chicago and serial killer, below even the  
> level of
> >The Da Vinci Code, as a final "fuck you" to those people who just
> >wouldn't stop trying to hide in his bushes, but we'll all eat it up
> >anyways and find the Final Great Meaning of Life within it's pages
> >(specifically the scene involving the prostitute, a half-empty  
> pack of
> >cigarettes, and a slab of pork steak).  Pynchon goes insane and
> >attempts to burn down the Guggenheim.
> --------------------
> that would seem to say he takes himself way too serious which from  
> all indications, he doesn't. like GR was about Vietnam; and M&D  
> globalization; what, pray tell, would an overarching theme be for  
> him to tackle--terrorism and haymarket, possibly--note latest notes  
> from beyond--the 1984 (2003) and stone junction intros (1997-98)-- 
> both concern arbitrary use of power against the powerless
> rich
Surely we're not waiting around with bated breath for THAT. are we?

I'd like to read about something I don't already know.

Interesting, challenging writing.

What GR from time to time rises to.

Of course, whatever he writes some  will take as simplistic politics.


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