re Book Description

pynchonoid pynchonoid at
Sun Jul 16 16:18:02 CDT 2006

jbor's idea that somebody hacked it is cute, but about
as likely as his notion some time back that somebody
had hacked into the P-list archives and then was
beaming radio signals directly into his brain, or
whatever that was.  Although it is possible, anything
is possible course, that an enterprising hoaxter could
get into the back room and post phony
material in the publisher's areas of the web site -
just not very likely in this case, coinciding as it
does with the publisher's announcement of the book,
and coordinated as it is with  other marketing
materials on

After thinking about it a bit, and re-reading the
text, I believe the fact that it appears over
Pynchon's name indicates that he either wrote
(doubtful, it sounds a lot like marketing copy, I
think he revised/approved it) or approved it, and thus
it should be taken seriously as another rare instance
of either Pynchon writing about his fiction or as a
statement about his fiction that was approved by
Pynchon.  So, like Mr. Weaver, I think it's fair game
for interpretation as such.  

On another topic, thanks, Dave, for posting those
notes from that book you're reading, the Japanese one,
appreciate the effort.
"everything connects"

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