trolls, etc.

Dave Monroe monropolitan at
Mon Jul 24 09:23:26 CDT 2006

Good morning, P-List ...

--- MalignD at wrote:

> In a message dated 7/23/06 11:47:04 AM Eastern
> Daylight Time, pynchonoid at writes:
> << Nothing beats the troika of jbor and his guard
> dogs,Malign and Ghetta Life who, while they don't
> offer any ideas of substance or significance
> relative to Pynchon in this forum, do bark quite
> loudly when necessary to drown out any challenges
> to jbor's need for control, regular as clockwork.>>
> Blow me, shithead. What do you think is contributed
> by someone who refers to Pynchon as "the Master"?
> You could probably find a whore who would be
> willing to sodomize you with M&D.  Likely that's 
> already old hat ...

You know, I'm all for leaving the List unmoderated,
but I will note that people have been asking, should
we start censuring these outbursts?  I'm (as have been
others) talking EVERYONE involved here, Doug, MalignD,
and I hardly exclude myself, though I will say, not as
an excuse, much less a defense, I'm not nearly so, uh,
forthright as some here.  And even less so is Robert,
who nontheless gets his kicks in as much as, if not
more so, anyone here, if only by tending to fly them
in just over the treeline.  But I have my flamedar
aimed low, so ...

But I will say, Rob admitted he was wrong, at least,
about the authorship of that blurb.  I think I was
goodnatured about it, but I couldn't help but give him
teh business nonetheless, esp. after all the effort he
expended, and given his tendency to hold onto grudges
like heirlooms to be passed on to his next of kin ...

Again, call me Cassandra ...

But I would note that l'affaire Playboy Japan is still
not nearly so settled as The Purloined Blurb, so ...
so I expect NOT to see any more snideness about THAT. 
Or any at all, would be nice, but ...

But we both seem to have come to yet another violent
(though not nearly so much this time) disagreement
over no only the authenticity, but the tone of it, not
to mention over perhaps the value of Being Prepared,
although neither of us are exactly Boy Scouts (accent
on the "Scouts," a la Fred McMurray in Follow Me,
Boys)  ...

So ...

Well, it's up to us all.  We can play nice, we can
call people on not doing so, or we can have business
as usual.  It's hardly like I'm going to bail, what
with What's Just over the Horizon, but it sure does
take up a lot of my time to bicker, even when I
obviously do enjoy it at times.  But, basically, just
to let everyone know, there's a vocal minority of us
who ARE concerned again, whilst some more immediately
involved have even gently reminded ME offlist to
temper myself (which was done in a kindly manner, so
thanks) ...

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