Playboy Japan interview
K. Michael Babcock
aesova at
Wed Jul 26 20:27:00 CDT 2006
On 7/26/06, pynchonoid <pynchonoid at> wrote:
> --- Malign:
> >
> > i think Rob's skepticism-- and I'm not about to go
> > ploughing back through two
> > years of posts, but it was mine as well -- is that
> > the interview makes
> > Pynchon sound like an idiot.
> Only in the caricatures of the interview that Malign
> has exaggerated in his posts. Most of the p-listers
> I've talked with understand it was a rough translation
> done in a hurry to provide the gist of its content to
> pynchon-l, that it was never intended as a document on
> which to base a serious critique. According to
> Japanese speakers I've heard describe the article, it
> doesn't make Pynchon sound like an idiot at all, but
> since I don't read Japanese I can't testify to that
> personally, although I pass along what they say. It's
> true that in the interview Pynchon does not present
> himself as the pistol-packing let's bomb Osama back to
> the Stone Age advocate of President Bush's "War on
> Terror" that jbor was making Pynchon out to be at the
> time.
> (Yes, newbies, you could look it up. jbor was
> actually claiming Pynchon as a supporter of Bush's
> foreign policy post 9-11, which explains jbor's need
> to deny the Playboy Japan interview where Pynchon
> effectively trashes Bush, which explains jbor's
> tortured effort to rewrite Pynchon's highly political
> intro to 1984, and so on.)
> Malign is much better at writing about Prince than
> anything else -- keep it up, fascinating stuff, a
> timeless artist certain to endure through the
> centuries, and the writer of some darned catchy tunes,
> too.
> And it's great to know I continue to have such a
> devoted fan in Malign - regular as clockwork, evidence
> that he or she has read my post, thought about it,
> forumlated a response, perhaps scribbled it out on an
> envelope and crossed out a few different versions, all
> the while A Grown Man (?) Who Calls Himself Malign is
> thinking about A Grown Man Who Calls Himself
> Pynchonoid, giving me all that mental real estate, day
> after day, hour after hour, focusing yet another
> p-list post on something I've written.
> What would you be without me, my misaligned amigo?
> Nowhere.
> "everything connects"
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