Playboy Japan interview

Dave Monroe monropolitan at
Wed Jul 26 20:57:11 CDT 2006

If I may risk an opinion on the matter (again ...),
given Ms. Jackson's (personal? or someone @ her
office?)  alleged denial of an interview, and Playboy
Japan's presumed lack of a retraction (somebody do let
me know what actual facts are known here, if any),
indeed, given  their alleged insistence on the
authenticity of the quote (whatever it might have been
before it's presumed translation into Japanese, but
recall that "languages are spoken, not always
idiomatically," so who knows ...), which may or may
imply that there was never a request for one, which
may or may not imply, maybe Pynchpon did say something
to somebody after all, one MIGHT hypothesize that,
Pynchon may have said something to somebody, maybe
even somebody at Playboy Japan, and those remarks,
made under whatever circumstances, that via whatever
channels, and perhaps losing and/or gaining something
in the process (up to and including translation into
Japanese, with or without potentially useful, much
needed, even context), but being printed in Playboy
Japan nontheless (was the word "Interview" or a
Japanese cognate used?  Was anyone else "inetrviewed"?
 Have they disavowed commets attributed to them as
well?  And so forth ...) ...

It's no less plausible than the Vast Marketing
Cosnpiracy Theories being spun here, so ...

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