MMM / thanks! / NP TR and DFW

jd wescac at
Sun Mar 12 19:59:26 CST 2006

I may have loved GR and the Recognitions but I do not like Infinite
Jest at all (not that liking GR or R would indicate liking IJ, just a
way to say, yeah, I like long books and that's not why I didn't like
this one).  I don't like the footnotes (which would have been much
better at the bottom of the page than the back of the book - after you
flip back to see a one-line reference to a book or movie that doesn't
exist you just stop caring about the few footnotes that actually add
to the story - and indeed should really be a part of the text as
opposed to a footnote), and I don't like how it just seems to be
generally self-impressed.  Which stinks because the good parts are
definitely good, it's just that as an overall piece I think it's

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