MD3PAD 181-183

Toby G Levy tobylevy at
Fri Mar 17 06:28:48 CST 2006

        After discussing fishing, the conversation between Mason and
Dixon turns to Maskelyne.  Dixon questions the necessity of staying on
St Helena for six months to observe the star Sirius.  Mason says that he
believes Maskelyne is hoping for a revelation along the line of
Bradley's discovery of the Aberration of Light.

        They wonder what awaits them in England.  Maskelyne has told
them that he heard the Royal Astronomer has been asked to assist in
drawing the borders between Maryland and Pennsylvania in America. Mason
thinks that Maskelyne is telling them about it in the hope that they
would go instead of him. Mason thinks Maskelyne would rather be alone
with Bradley than share time with Mason.

        Mason tells Dixon that his work on the Transit was so good that
he could easily be picked to go to America as well.  They ponder the
possibilities of going to America and then conclude that it probably
won't happen.

        Chapter 18 begins on page 183 with the return of Mason and
Dixon to London. They are well feted and have all good things to say of
their experiences.  Dixon soon returns to his home up north.

        Mason dreads his reunion with his two sons.

vw#53: Devoirs - An act or expression of respect or courtesy; civility.

        Mason is debriefed by a number of government officials on
various topics concerning Capetown and St Helena.

        Mason goes along with the rage in England concerning the Cock
Lane Ghost. Read all about it at


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