NP: What is GR about?

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at
Mon May 1 12:58:10 CDT 2006

On May 1, 2006, at 1:14 PM, kelber at wrote:

> The question I hope for/dread: someone casually asks what GR is  
> about.  I know they don't want the huge explanation the book  
> requires.  My own attempt at a sound-byte answer:  "It's about the  
> psycho-sexual anxieties and paranoia that result from living in a  
> world controlled by the military-industrial complex in the presence  
> of The Bomb."  Not easy to get out in one breath.  Anyone out there  
> care to give their own sound-byte explanations?  Would love a  
> better one.
> Laura

Pynchon's immense new novel takes on his largest, fiercest apocalypse  
yet, the childhood of rocketry, V-2s from Peenemünde released by our  
death wish, the phallic fingers of God pointing down the sky,  
describing parabolas that mimic the rainbow, defeating gravity only  
to succumb to it and defeat us, world without end without world.

--Michael Wood's New York Review of Books book review.
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