Skanderoon (M&D)

Anville Azote anville.azote at
Wed May 3 22:16:35 CDT 2006

On 5/3/06, mikebailey at <mikebailey at> wrote:
>       "This place we have just left seems to have two names," said Will. "Why is it called Alexandretta?"
>       "Because Alexander the Great founded it just after the battle of Issus. Before he marched further he had to make a base of supplies. Hence he improved the harbor and made it the port by which he kept up communications with Greece. The Turkish name of Alexander is Iskander. Hence the name Iskanderoon, or Skanderoon for sort, means the same as Alexandretta. But see! the dragoman is turning us off from the Aleppo road."

cf. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, wherein Alexandretta is the
reference point on Henry Jones, Sr.'s map to the Holy Grail.


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