Korean Scientists Develop Female Android

Joe Allonby joeallonby at gmail.com
Fri May 5 23:00:19 CDT 2006

I am difficult to appall.

But this egregious abomination has left me aghast.

On 5/5/06, David Gentle <gentle_family at btinternet.com> wrote:
> > "'Humans are different from robots.'  That's an article of faith, like
> > 'black isn't white.'  It's no more helpful than the basic fact that
> > humans aren't machines.  Unlike industrial robots, the androids and
> > gynoids designed as 'pets' weren't designed along utilitarian or
> > practical models.  Instead, we model them on a human image, an
> > idealized one at that.  Why are humans so obsessed with recreating
> > themselves?"
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > "Can we get back to reality here?  I'd like your observations with
> > respect to the Hadaly robot, model 2502, manufactured by Locus Solus."
> >
> > "Right.  It's very well designed.  I understand it's a prototype, but
> > it's intended for particular functions."
> >
> > "Particular functions?"
> >
> > "It's equipped with organs unnecessary in service robots."
> >
> > "Meaning?"
> >
> > "It's a sexaroid.  Nothing to brag about to your neighbors, but hardly
> > illegal."
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > "Truly disturbing, isn't it?  I really understand.  The doubt is
> > whether a creature that certainly appears to be alive really is.  Or
> > alternatively, the doubt that a lifeless object might actually live.
> > That's why dolls haunt us.  They are modeled on humans.  They are, in
> > fact, nothing but human.  They make us face the terror being reduced
> > to simple mechanisms and matter -- in other words, the fear that,
> > fundamentally, all humans belong to the void."
> >
> > -- excerpts from Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
> >
> Let me offer you this nugget:
> http://www.zeppotron.com/unnovations/kissmammal.html
> I wish I had a copy of GITS 2. Agoraphobia will be the death of me.
> On the subject of this thing as a sex doll...is it possible for it to be
> too
> realistic? I.E would you just find yourself revolted by it's constant
> reminders of it unreality and just be put off? And wouldn't a prostitute
> be
> cheaper?
> David Gentle
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