NP: New Yorker Fiction / Lit Quarterlies

jd wescac at
Tue May 9 12:50:11 CDT 2006

Yeah...  I own three McSweeney's, one of which was the comic edition,
which was OK... one didn't have anything I liked except an excerpt
from Rising Up and Rising Down, and the other was just OK, but
generally had writing more engaging than most of the BS I read in lit

Great link...  I send stuff out now and again and was looking for more
places to send my stuff so I'm sure it will come in handy.  Everyone
always says buy & read the quarterlies to figure out where to submit
but as mentioned above whenever I do (and I don't like the fact that
the only reason I'm buying them is research, as opposed to pleasure -
I wonder how many people read them for pleasure as opposed to research
nowadays) I just get bored, give up, and submit randomly.

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