1 quickie and 2 incoherent puzzlings (M&D)

mikebailey at speakeasy.net mikebailey at speakeasy.net
Mon May 15 03:49:14 CDT 2006

Mason's fictive natal chart was erected for the 1st of May, as I didn't remember to note on May Day.

p 158 - "Maskelyne Jobates, whilst slowly 'round him the Moon becomes a Dormitory" Jobates would be to speak as Job, or a long-suffering one?
The Moon becomes a Dormitory - probably not a college dormitory, but a place of sleep of some kind.  and "slowly 'round him" - as if he's standing between Mason and the Moon (I'm reminded of seeing on TV Gen. Colin Powell at a podium with some kind of ornamental wall excrescence behind him, his head aligned under it so it looked like a Mercury sign)
this is a quickie I don't quite get, and haven't found any elaboration in the surrounding text --- he's seen Rebekah's face in comets...and Rebekah and the younger Ms Peach in bed together exchanging confidences...talking about the Clive of India (who is an opium freak?) wedding chapel 

p. 168 - "As gatherings of the People, in this part of England, often produc'd gastro-spiritual Distress among the Clothiers..."
the Clothiers?  there's at least one other reference to Clothiers by which the context indicates "authorities" -- is this out of Sartor Resartus 
--or, come to think of it, the Peaches's wealth is in silk, isn't it?
and the whole enclosure/mechanical loom business in all its Ned-Ludd-inspiring glory is going on (with a new election and preterition based on water and gradients (p207))
tempting me to sort of map Mason's father's bread to both the Adenoid and H.A. Loaf, in a sidelong sort of way

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