is Dan Brown a Thomas Pynchon?

B C Johnson bjohnson02 at
Mon May 15 11:05:39 CDT 2006

Perhaps Dan Brown IS Thomas Pynchon.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "jd" <wescac at>
To: "Pynchon Liste" <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2006 11:32 AM
Subject: is Dan Brown a Thomas Pynchon?

> ""Is this person a Thomas Pynchon or Toni Morrison or Philip Roth?
> That's the wrong question," Nelson says. "But I'm quite open to a lot
> of different kinds of writing, including a lot of genre fiction, which
> can be brilliantly written and often is. But Dan Brown is a mediocre
> practitioner of his genre -- not the worst, but certainly not the
> best.""
> just a funny and pointless Pynchon reference in an article bashing a bad 
> book. 

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