The 9/11 Story That Got Away

Otto ottosell at
Thu May 18 09:57:40 CDT 2006

This seems to me the heart of the story:

"The people in the counter-terrorism (CT) office were very worried about 
attacks here in the United States, and that was, it struck me, another 
debate in the intelligence community. Because a lot of intelligence 
people did not believe that Al Qaida had the ability to strike within 
the United States. The CT people thought they were wrong. But I got the 
sense at that time that the counter–terrorism people in the White House 
were viewed as extremist on these views.

"Everyone in Washington was very spun–up in the CT world at that time. I 
think everybody knew that an attack was coming — everyone who followed 
this. But you know you can only ‘cry wolf’ within a newspaper or, I 
imagine, within an intelligence agency, so many times before people 
start saying there he goes — or there she goes — again!""

jd wrote:
> What, exactly, is Alternet?  Why would Miller talk to them?  And isn't
> Miller, essentially, a shill for the current administration for the
> most part?  I find this hard to believe...
> I'm skeptical of all news sources but especially those home-brew ones
> when no other source... not even blogs... seem to corroborate.  Are
> any other sources talking about this?


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