men come, women arrive
jp3214 at
Sat May 20 09:57:44 CDT 2006
20th Annual Conference
Society for Literature, Science and the Arts
New York, NY, November 9-12, 2006
From the Plenary Speaker:
Lynn Margulis. Her publications, spanning a wide
range of scientific topics, include original contribu-
tions to cell biology and microbial evolution. She is
best known for her theory of symbiogenesis, which
challenges a central tenet of neodarwinism. She
argues that inherited variation, significant in evol-
ution, does not come mainly from random mutations.
Rather new tissues, organs, and even new species
evolve primarily through the long-lasting intimacy of
strangers.The fusion of genomes in symbioses
followed by natural selection, she suggests, leads to
increasingly complex levels of individuality.
Although "the call for papers" is officially closed (April 15, 2006),
I hope someone has had the good sense to propose a session
on the vexing vagaries of the female orgasm, a controversial
topic not well explained by natural selection (though not for
lack of trying). It sits at the very nexus of biology and culture. Its
biological/evolutionary necessity is at least questionable. Is it just
a biological artifact like the appendix? On the other hand, its
cultural significance, while undeniable, is a a topic often woefully
misunderstood- and misconstrued- by authors, especially men- e.g.:
She told him later that as soon as he took her
wrist that night, she came. And the first time he
touched her cunt, squeezed Jessica's soft cunt
through her knickers, the trembling began again
high in her thighs, growing, taking her over. She
came twice before cock was ever officially put
inside cunt, and this is important to both of them
though neither has figured out why, exactly.
If only some rational scientific-type were available to shed
a little light on this slippery topic, which has plagued us all-
one way or another- since Jack first spied Jill. The conference
would seem an ideal venue to probe this thorny area. But wait...
There is Elisabeth Lloyd:
Her book,
The Case Of The Female Orgasm:
Bias In The Science Of Evolution
seems quite germane:
Might even help undress the mystery of whether or not
the female orgasm provides a reproductive advantage, or,
whether all the writhing and moaning is just an artifact
of natural selection on males, with a vestigial effect on
females, analogous to tits on a bull.
"Oh- you'd have no choice. You'd have to come." He
was smiling.
She moved her pretty jaw a little forward. "I wouldn't
"Then a man in a uniform, with a big pistol, would
make you come."
...and drivin' six white hawses, indeed. Although, at this stage
of the game, some might be a little more than white. We'll
have to check the DNA to be sure. Anyway, big pistols might
defend the borders of the homeland, but keepin' the residents
smilin' might require a different, more nuanced approach, one
that accepts the importance of "the long-lasting intimacy of
strangers," rather than just the survival of those quickest on the
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