Haditha, lest we forget

jporter jp3214 at earthlink.net
Sun May 21 21:54:32 CDT 2006

The Paxton Boys ride again:

	Twenty-three people were killed in the incident,
	relatives of the dead told Knight Ridder. The uncle
	of one survivor, a 13-year-old girl, told Knight Ridder
	that the girl had watched the Marines open fire on
	her family and that she had held her 5-year-old
	brother in her arms as he died. The girl shook visibly
	as her uncle relayed her account, too traumatized to
	recount what happened herself.

	"I understand the investigation shows that in fact there
	was no firefight, there was no explosion that killed the
	civilians on a bus," Murtha said. "There was no bus.
	There was no shrapnel. There was only bullet holes
	inside the house where the Marines had gone in. So
	it's a very serious incident, unfortunately. It shows the
	tremendous pressure these guys are under every day
	when they're out in combat and the stress and conse-

	Murtha, who retired as a colonel after 37 years in the
	Marine Corps, said nothing indicates that the Iraqis
	killed in the incident were at fault.

	"One man was killed with an IED," Murtha said,
	referring to a Marine killed by the roadside bomb.
	"And after that, they actually went into the houses and
	killed women and children."



" He sees where blows with Rifle-Butts miss'd their Marks,
and chipp'd the Walls. He sees blood in the Corners never
cleans'd. Thankful he is no longer a Child, else might he
curse and weep, scattering his anger to no Effect, Dixon now
must be his own stern Uncle, and smack himself upon the
Pate at any sign of unfocusing. What in the Holy Names are
these people about?.... Is it something in this Wilderness,
something ancient, that waited for them, and infected their
Souls when they came?"

"That is what I smell'd,- Lethe-Water."

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