MD3PAD 373-375

Toby G Levy tobylevy at
Mon May 22 07:23:23 CDT 2006

        The detective visiting Armand in his rooms told him secrets that
cannot be revealed but he was an assistant to the scientist Vaucanson,
and found the formerly mechanical duck hovering above a table.
Vaucanson had added sexual parts to the duck and Armand believes this
pushed it over the line into being an animate object.

        The detective tells Armand that the bird can now travel at such
speeds that renders it invisible. Since Armand is the undisputed
champion of cooking duck, the automated duck has taken an interest in
him. The duck has formed a resentment against all other ducks. Armand is
worried that the duck might resent him too for cooking them and the
detective says there is no protection from "the Beak of Death."

vw#84: fricative -  A consonant, such as f or s in English, produced by
the forcing of breath through a constricted passage.

The Duck reappears and the detective flees. The duck talks to Armand,
perhaps sounding like Daffy Duck.  He tells Armand that they are natural


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