Best novel of the quarter century
Paul Di Filippo
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Mon May 22 13:19:23 CDT 2006
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Not So 'Beloved'
by Karen Holt, PW Show Daily -- 5/19/2006
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The New York Times Book Review may have just anointed Beloved as the
best work of American fiction in the past 25 years, but not all of the
judges thought so highly of Toni Morrison's slavery novel, as some
prominent writers made clear during a panel yesterday afternoon.
Thomas Mallon says he voted for Don DeLillo's Underworld, which did
make the list of four runners-up. As for Beloved, it wasn't even
Morrison's best book, Mallon said, deeming Song of Solomon a superior
Cynthia Ozick said she was "flabbergasted" by the choice of a book she
believes works better as history or political science than as
literature. She referred to the narrative prose as "elliptical" and
The three other runners-up were American Pastoral by Philip Roth, Blood
Meridian by Cormac McCarthy and Rabbit Angstrom: The Four Novels by
John Updike. While McCarthy also received a couple of swipes from the
panelists—Mallon commented that he "can't stand any of his work"—Roth
apparently could do no wrong. In addition to enthusing about his energy
and skill, the panelists pointed out that he led all other writers in
receiving multiple votes for his books, with six of his titles being
cited by more than one judge as the best of the half-century.
The NYTBR sent letters to about 200 leading authors, critics and
editors, asking them to identity the best American fiction since 1980.
The results are published in the May 21 issue of the Book Review.
While the selections provide plenty of fodder for debate, just as
notable is what's absent—work by younger writers. "Who knew that all
these baby-boomer judges were so respectful of people born in the
1930s?" said NYTBR editor Sam Tanenhaus.
Ozick commented, "The younger ones have come at the end of these 25
years and perhaps they just need another 25 years to see how they stack
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