toni morrisson

Charles Albert cfalbert at
Tue May 23 08:47:36 CDT 2006

Pleased to see that the phenomenon has been "named".........."Flyer"....

Because the list of books I must read remains so extensive, I don't take
many "chances" anymore......

But I will never forget the frustration I experienced trying to read Tryon's
Harvest Home...and the tremendous satisfaction when I heaved it at the

I'm guessing you stick to paperbacks....


On 5/23/06, GEORGE LISTER <kingofthewildset at> wrote:
> The VdL  jibe is a cheap one, and I am sure I have heard it made against
> other women writters before. This does not stop Morrissons prose from being
> turgid, or her books from being flyers-with all good intentions  you try to
> read them, but end up throwing them at the wall.
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