Best novel of the quarter century
bekah0176 at
Tue May 23 09:01:05 CDT 2006
At 6:13 AM -0700 5/23/06, loathsome toad wrote:
> > I think VL is a disappointment. It is a tease which never
>> delivers. It is
>> worth reading only because it repeats in new forms some of his
>> continuing
>> concerns, but it is all shorthand. It never really gets off the
>> ground.
>Disagree. I liked it and saw it more as an attempt to
>produce something a bit more "mainstream". It certainly
>has worked as an easy intro to Pynchon for some people
>that I know. Vineland also seemed to have a bit of Ken
>Kesey to it, but that is just my uninformed opinion. It
>certainly is not his best, but it is not a disappointment
>by any stretch either.
Years ago, VL was my entry into Pynchon. VL intrigued me and the
next was MD a few summers ago and the next was GR which wasn't really
my cuppa (but now after Vollmann's Europe Central I might appreciate
it more). And then last summer (?) I got to CoL49 which I
appreciated so much I read it twice - back-to-back. Btw, I'd still
vote for Underworld as "the" American novel of the last 25 years.
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