Tracking the ever-elusive Great American Novel

jd wescac at
Tue May 23 09:38:03 CDT 2006

anti-feminist anger?  Jesus christ jbor, I was playing along til then
but that's just silly.  Just because someone wins a Nobel Prize
doesn't make them some kind of goddess incapable of a few wrong words.
 It has nothing to do with the fact that she's black, or that she's a
she, and everything to do with a few simple words spoken by a person.
And certainly no reason to start a petty e-bet.

Tony Morrison is a shitty writer.  She's a popular shitty writer, but
you know what?  DaVinci Code outsold the Bible, so that's what the
measure of popularity is worth.  I think that I've given up my usual
middle of the road stance to come to a firm opinion on this.

"blatant redneck misrepresentation of them" - if buying into some
trite BS is "redneck" (though it doesn't really make sense to make
this a race thing considering I find Ewidge Danticat, Frederick
Douglas, and Ralph Ellison fine authors) then damnit, American by
birth, Southern by the grace of God!

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