1973 Nervous Breakdown

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at verizon.net
Wed May 24 13:02:18 CDT 2006

On May 24, 2006, at 12:24 PM, Dave Monroe wrote:

(compared texts omitted)
>    Aren’t the Rockefellers secure? Haven’t they been
> pretty influential for three or four generations now?
> Don’t the oil companies control the country, its
> government, its corporations, institutions, etc.?
> Aren’t they now the establishment, as pervasive at the
> J.P. Morgan group was from the Civil War through World
> War I?

I would certainly think so. The rivalry seems a  little nebulous.

About the recent work, it seems OK,  as a grabber, to metaphorically
depict '73 as in a state of  paranoia (or comparable mental illness).
A little overblown in places, is all.

What bothers me about "Pynchon's Inferno," from which the older  
material is taken,  is that it makes
Pynchon sound CLINICALLY paranoid, not just just using paranoia as a  
literary device.

Does anyone really imagine P's being afraid to express himself freely
in unencrypted  plain text out of a paranoid fear  someone is gonna
get him?

> Is there an opposition, even a loyalist
> opposition? If recent elections are any indication,
> there doesn’t seem to be any....
> http://www.ottosell.de/pynchon/inferno.htm
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