Women and Men (NP)

rich richard.romeo at gmail.com
Wed May 24 18:06:35 CDT 2006

pbly should read Lookout Cartridge first or better yet Smuggler's Bible

when reading women and men think the connection between the individual, the
group, the nation, and the cosmos--it's all happening all at once, past
present future and it's much more readable than Finnegans Wake
(not that I finished the book either, natch)

i actually enjoy the lack of paranoid dread pace Cartridge in McElroy

and he's also from queens

someone I want to read again for sure


On 5/24/06, jd <wescac at gmail.com> wrote:
> So I started reading Women and Men by Joseph McElroy a couple of days
> ago.  I'm about 60 or 70 pages in and pretty goddamn lost, and
> generally I'm pretty good at following stream of conscious styled
> writing.  Granted, I've been pretty damn tired the last few days, so
> maybe that's it.
> Anyways, I was wondering if anyone out there has read it, and maybe
> had the same problem, and might perhaps be able to tell me if it gets
> a little more coherent later on, and if they consider it worth the
> struggle.  I'm on the verge of shelving it for something else but I've
> gotten 40 pages in to this book three times in the past five years and
> shelved it each time.  I think that this time it's now or never.
> That said, I did like the first little bit about the birth.  It just
> seems to have gotten incoherent after that point.  Like the author
> knew what was going on at all times, perhaps, but didn't give enough
> info to the reader to let them know.
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