What I happened upon...
Dave Monroe
monropolitan at yahoo.com
Sun May 28 10:18:35 CDT 2006
I bet the guy I'm working with you wouldn't chime in
'til I (vs. Judy or Otto, or pretty much ANYONE else
[Doug having more imporatnt stuff to deal with of
late]) posted something on the subject. I could have
gotten a steeper return had i held out for YOU to
explicate who's who, but ...
Well, thanks for buying me lunch, Robt., esp. as the
low points for me here have generally been yr petulant
and/or self-righteously indignant posturings ...
But here's a question for the class. Do we tell the
'rental units? Let me know ...
--- jbor at bigpond.com wrote:
> Ditto. It's a low point.
> best
> On 29/05/2006, at 12:35 AM, Sean Mannion wrote:
> > I dunno guys,
> >
> > I am reading these as they come into my inbox, but
> > still, I can't help but feel a deep unease about
> > these emails....
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