What I happened upon...

Dave Monroe monropolitan at yahoo.com
Sun May 28 10:52:49 CDT 2006

Hope y'all don't mind, but, Robt.'s apparently
all-too-predictable sniffiness aside, there indeed ARE
legitimate concerns here, and, as it's even easier to
find Melanie Jackson's e-mail address (I HOPE) ...

Anyway, just sent the follwing to her, so ...


Dear Ms. Jackson--

As long-time fans of your husband's work, not to
mention as people generally concerned with the
well-being of pretty much anybody and everybody on the
planet, we thought you might be interested in the
following, easily found (e.g., via Google) web pages. 
The first is, we're assuming, a listing plus a
soundfile from a band we believe your son (given the
confluence of name and location) might be in ...


No real problem there, I'm assuming.  A band's got to
promote.  But what you might (or might not, that's
your business, of course) be concerned about is this


An innocuous band photo, of course, on one hand, but
it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to work out which boy
might perhaps be your son, given the other photos and
their captions ...


At any rate, there's enough consternation these days
over sites like Myspace and Facebook, but knowing well
family concerns about privacy (even giving knowing
full well as well about adolsecents not necessarily
wanting parents watching over their every move), we
thought you might have concerns.  If not, well, not. 
Rest assured, though, none of us are going to be
bugging any of the boys, at any rate, though we hope
no one minds the soundfile getting a few extra hits,
so ...


Dave Monroe
On behalf of the Pynchon-L listserve

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