What I happened upon...
Paul Mackin
paul.mackin at verizon.net
Sun May 28 15:20:30 CDT 2006
On May 28, 2006, at 3:24 PM, Dave Monroe wrote:
> Your "concern" semed to be to somehow insinuate some
> sort of unasvory interest on ... somebody's part, at
> any rate, apparently not paying attention to the fact
> that Judy posted the initial link, and that my
> response was to work out Otto's (equally innocent)
> question. Unfounded and gratuitous, and you know that
My "concern" was only in appearances. How things would look to an
outsider. Any bad motives on the part of any of us was the farthest
thing from my mind. That includes you. I was only questioning
your judgment in writing the letter, not your motivation. i don't think
YOU are a danger to anyone. But to the Pynchons you are an
anonymous letter writer, even if you sign your name and include
the p-list URL.
> I'm used to the gnat swarm mentality that often sets
> you and "Ghetta" and maybe even Terrance, depending on
> who his feud du jour is with, aflight whenever Robert
> gets all self-righetously indignant.
> I expect it
> even, and with good cause. But that doesn't make it
> any less irritating--if aything, it's thus more so ...
What do Ghetta, Terrance and Robert have to do with it?
You wrote the letter.
> --- Paul Mackin <paul.mackin at verizon.net> wrote:
>> I think the "listwide concern," (if any, which I
>> doubt) was that someone would dash off a letter to
>> the Pynchons....
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