In order of appearance all the characters in Thomas Pynchons Gravitys Rainbow, 1973

B C Johnson bjohnson02 at
Sun May 28 16:22:41 CDT 2006

. . . but were such a list perfected, it could theoretically rock the world 
of Pynchoneering to its very core!
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave Monroe" <monropolitan at>
To: "B C Johnson" <bjohnson02 at>; <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2006 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: In order of appearance all the characters in Thomas Pynchons 
Gravitys Rainbow, 1973

> Yeah, it's hardly complete, a byproduct of my own
> online wanderings for the day, is all.  I'm more
> curiosu about why it's there than anything ...
> --- B C Johnson <bjohnson02 at> wrote:
>> Ends about two-thirds of the way through. . . .
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