What I happened upon...

Dave Monroe monropolitan at yahoo.com
Sun May 28 16:28:39 CDT 2006

THANK you.  And we don't even have to go that far.  We
won't here.  I must say, though, that I'm relieved to
know it's not Young Master Pynchon on vocals there ...

--- B C Johnson <bjohnson02 at insightbb.com> wrote:
> So it is with "Pynchoneering", in which we (me too,
> foax) try to reverse-engineer a model of The Writer,
> from the scant ephemera of His public life, in hopes
> of finding that Key.  It's o.k. -- cargo cults and
> Mormons do the same thing.  We do this not only to
> reach the Inner Light, but because it's fun, it's
> cat-and-mouse, and nobody gets hurt.  I sincerely
> hope that no one on this list is sufficiently
> disingenuous to deny the existence of the Game --
> just don't be so sure that The Writer isn't in on
> the Game, too.

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