What I happened upon...

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at verizon.net
Sun May 28 16:42:56 CDT 2006

On May 28, 2006, at 4:43 PM, Dave Monroe wrote:

> When it comes down to it, we're ALL anonymous letter
> writers.

We know a little about each other or have had an opportunity to make  
With the Pynchons it was the anonymity (for all intents and purposes)
combined with fact that the subject of the letter was their minor son  
could well make it an unsettling experience.

> And, I might note, generally sending each
> other publically available albeit far from obvious
> information that's presumed, quite rightly, to be of
> interest.  Always already ....
> "How things would look to a outsider"?  There are no
> outsiders here.

I  was referring to the Pynchons.  We know them (in a manner of  
but they don't know us, or have never indicated so.

> We're not gogglable et al. from the
> outside, so ... but given the self-righteously
> indignant (sorry, a pet phrase of mine, and a stance
> which, while it irritates me to no end, i ealize I may
> be taking now) consternation about "privacy" et al.
> taht goes on here from time to time, I gotta ask, why
> wouldn't you then TELL someone their privacy is in
> danger of invasion?   Much ... dislogic here ...
> Note Robt.'s modus operandi, by the way.  Get things
> going, then sit back and let the inevitable happen.
> Show up later, act innocent, but poke at things
> nonetheless in his inimitable sinde fashion for, what,
> years afterwards nonetheless?  In some cases, yes.
> I'm chalking it up to the holiday weekend that the
> rest of the usual cast of characters haven't buzzed in
> yet ...

Maybe, if we keep our fingers crossed, the whole thing
will be forgotten by Tuesday.
> Im sorry, Paul I'm extremely cranky these days, I will
> say, you've comported yrself far better than those
> I've lumped you in with, far better than I have, at
> times, but this reversion to form after idyllic, what,
> adys, weeks, months of a relatively lack of
> irritations here puts my annoyance today into sharper
> relief ...

Thanks for that. Let me say this. I  do enjoy taking unpopular
positions now and then (to keep things from getting boring)
but I don't enjoy criticizing people. Could never be a book

> --- Paul Mackin <paul.mackin at verizon.net> wrote:
>> My "concern" was only in appearances. How things
>> would look to an outsider....
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