Light Summer Reading

Dave Monroe monropolitan at
Mon May 29 13:57:51 CDT 2006

I think read SH fifteen/twenty years ago, I recall
much appreciating it myself, and seeing as how I
trurned out to be almost as big a Beckett fan as I am
a Pynchon one, maybe you've hit on why, but I reacll
in particular that notion simply of Something having
Happened really getting to me as well, so ...

--- Ghetta Life <ghetta_outta at> wrote:

> Just about to finish _Something Happened_ by Heller.
> Really liking it.  The whole thing is one contiuous
> first person monologue w/ a few conversation 
> remembered of imagined by the narrator, essentially
> one long complaint.  In that regard it reminds me
> constantly of Beckett's Trilogy.

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