What I happened upon....
Dave Monroe
monropolitan at yahoo.com
Mon May 29 17:57:53 CDT 2006
... but, again, I will point out taht, I neither found
nor posted that page. Nor do I see a problem with
having either found or posted it. And I OBVIOUSLY
have no questionable interest in it, else I'd never
have risked calling attention to myself in the first
place. But I'd've never bothered, it would never even
have occured to me for me to do so, had not people
here suggested that's its very existence might be
problematic, and made some pretty nasty insinuations
about someone's motives for having found it in the
first place, not to mention subsequently posting it.
Jesus H. christ, Pynchon has a sex columnist/porn
starlet niece who comes up from time to time here,
and THAT doesn't engender the kind of nastiness I've
seen suggested here recently. The general
motivation/recation is, hey, you know, that's
Pynchon's niece, that's that, and then we're off to
something else. That's how this SHOULD have run here,
but ...
Aagin, this is NOT directed at Sean, who I think has
legitimate concerns, but who also seems unwilling to
take them to their logical conclusions ...
--- jd <wescac at gmail.com> wrote:
> So Dave, basically, I can see why you might be
> motivated to do something like that, and it's not
> like I think you're going to go hide in their bushes
> or something, but it's one of those things that
> might just be better left untouched with a ten foot
> pole. Y'know? I think we should have just
> disregarded that first bit about his kid being on
> the facebook and let it drop entirely and not so
> much as run a google search....
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