What I happened upon....
Dave Monroe
monropolitan at yahoo.com
Mon May 29 18:59:05 CDT 2006
Againh, I'm not directing my ire at you. I'm
directing it at He Who Knows How to Push My Buttons
then Run. Precisely in order to push the logic
involved, such as it is, to its conclusion. Aagin, I
don't mind dropping the subject, but you've every
right or course to respond here, as I will take
exception to this ...
--- Sean Mannion <third_eye_unmoved at hotmail.com>
> I think what you said pretty much sums it up -
> there is no reason why any of us should've found
> that page. It is in bad taste. We do we want that
> kind of information? An answer might be curiousity,
> but then there are limits to our curiousity for
> good reason....
I don't think I said anything to that effect. I'm
surprise, in fact, that I didn't find that page first,
given I have Google pinging me new Pynchon references
daily, and stumble across all sorts of things while
seaching for something else. Indeed, I went looking a
while back to see if Pynchon's bit on his kid's school
picnic was out tehre, as, well, anything he writes is
at LEAST going to have its amusing moments. Along the
way, collectively we'll likely stumble on every damn
reference to Pynchon and his that's at laast indexed,
and then some. And saying even finding it "is in bad
taste" is ridiculous. One stumbles across things
constantly, sometimes even things one DOESN'T want to
know. And absolutely no one was harmed in the process
in this instance. Aggravated, perhaps, but ...
Well, sorry, I'm fighting two front battle here, one
on hand, and old and tiresome one, and, on the other,
and even older, no less tiring, but perhaps "better"
one, that for principles, reason, what have you ...
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