NP: the root of, maybe, everything

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at
Mon Nov 6 07:08:43 CST 2006

On Nov 6, 2006, at 7:37 AM, Otto wrote:

> And I am even smarter than a rat; I never board a ship (sea sickness)!

I'm at the opposite pole. Have never felt a trace of seasickness, out  
in some pretty horrendous storms.

However in my youth drinking too much booze would sometimes cause  
similar disturbances.

> There's another nice German proverb:
> "Vor Gericht und auf See sind wir alle in Gottes Hand."
> "Before the court and at sea we're all in God's hands."
> 2006/11/5, Paul Mackin <paul.mackin at>:
>> Anybody'll leave a sinking ship.
>> Rats are smart enough to get off before the ship leaves port.

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