Tim Ware on AtD

James Kyllo jkyllo at gmail.com
Tue Nov 7 14:35:20 CST 2006

There are a few "comfort" reads that I've gone back to a number of
times (Leslie Charteris, Philip K Dick, Robert Sheckley, Charles
Portis, William Gibson, John Brunner, Jeff Noon, PG Wodehouse)

But if you mean books which repay multiple rereadings with new or
deeper insight -

I've read Auto Da Fe, GR & JR more than 5 times, and am heading that
direction and can imagine that I will ultimately do so also with Dance
to the Music of Time, Infinite Jest, Life: A User's Manual, The
Recognitions & Ulysses



> And how many of us have a list of books that we'd want to read "again
> and again?"
> David Morris


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