AtD 112 (was Re: V. 348)

Jasper Fidget jasper at
Fri Nov 24 07:32:20 CST 2006

On Thu, 2006-11-23 at 22:11 -0600, Tim Strzechowski wrote:
> "Stop, stop!" Darby clutching his ears comically, "it sounds like Chinese!" 
> (p. 112)
> heheheh   Beautifully written ... and amusing!

I read that last night and laughed out loud.  The Chums are great comic
relief, especially Darby and Miles.  I love that they have to respond to
the distress signal despite a conflict with their prime directives.  A
classic Star Trek plot.

I feel a bit cheated though.  What happened with the Legion of Gnomes,
and Chthonica, Princess of Plutonia?!  I want my copy of _The Chums of
Chance in the Bowels of the Earth_!

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