AtD, Opening Line

Henry Winkler henrywinklerjr at
Fri Nov 24 12:33:48 CST 2006

I think someone pointed this out a while ago...
From the 2nd or 3rd page of V...

"For it's said (and not without reason) that no sooner does a ship like the Scaffold single up all lines than certain Navy wives are out of their civvies..." etc.

----- Original Message ----
From: Dave Monroe <monropolitan at>
To: elekeik <elekeik at>; pynchon-l at
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2006 12:09:17 PM
Subject: Re: AtD, Opening Line

--- elekeik <elekeik at> wrote:

> Hi, I'm new on the list.


> I was just writing to a friend who was reading TP
> for the first time, and I got into the subject of
> AtD's opening, which seems like a perfect one for
> Pynchon....

So perfect, so much packed into that first line alone,
i was in tears when it was first passed down to us,
lo, those many weeks/months ago now.  I have a feeling
taht wen the group raed starts, dspite having been at
that line for some time now, it'll STILL take us days
to get past it.  So be ready to riff on it again ...

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