http://pynchonwiki WAS Re: ATD SPOILER p. 95

pynchonoid pynchonoid at
Thu Nov 30 11:28:42 CST 2006

--- Dave Monroe <monropolitan at> wrote:

> Okay, even I have to object here now.  Doug, chill,
> there was no "attack," just the usual, healthy, and,
> esp. in the case of this wiki stuff, hardly
> unjustified, quetsions anyone wielding a critical
> skepticism (something to be encouraged, by the way)
> might ask, is all.[...] 

Can't agree.  I haven't challenged anybody's right to
say or question anything - please note, the comments
keep coming, they don't stop no matter what anybody
says, this is an unmoderated discussion here, anybody
can jump in and club anybody else at any time, as you
just demonstrated. Characterizing pynchonwiki as full
of worthless Kinbotean interpretation is the kind of
poisonous counterfactual crap that lives forever on
pynchon-l, once established, you gotta root that bs
out immediately.  It was an untrue, unkind comment,
and warranted a response.  I also offered teh
practical suggestion that comments about the wiki can
be made at the wiki where the people who are building
the wiki might actually consider and act on them - in
that respect, I['m doing those jokers a favor, showing
them how to get action re their complaints instead of
leaving them to whine ineffectually on pynchon-l, you
should be thanking me instead. I suggest you point
your outrage  elsewhere.

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