What are you reading

pynchonoid pynchonoid at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 5 08:34:47 CDT 2006

I'm impressed by how many folks are re-reading one or
more of Pynchon's novels, and it sounds as if some
p-listers more or less systematically re-read
Pynchon's novels more or less non-stop. 

Imagine that, grown men, and women, who choose to
spend so much time and energy on a single author, even
to the point of praising his work publicly, and
discussing the possibility, again, of a Nobel Prize
for this author.

Also glad to see so many folks who, like myself,
manage to wrench themselves away from Pynchon in order
to read a more or less non-stop stream of new and
older books by other authors.

Let it never be said that this pynchonoid has a corner
on the market for perpetual pynchonizing!  

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