AtD galleys

pynchonoid pynchonoid at
Fri Oct 6 00:28:42 CDT 2006

Whatever else it does to the collectible value of the
volume, printing the reviewer's name in the galley is
a good way to cut through the big Fall novel clutter
on a reviewer's desk.  I'd judge the marketing
campaign a success so far, given the amount of online
buzz that's accrued and, judging from this example,
with reviewers drooling over their personalized
Against the Day galley copies. 

Not being a book reviewer,I don't know if
personalizing the novel is a common practice, or if
perhaps once again Pynchon has publisher willing to
push the envelope (cf. simultaneous hardcover and
trade paperback publication of Gravity's Rainbow),
with the online "viral" marketing strategy, and now
these galleys.

Cool collectible.  I doubt I'd write in mine, if I had
one. I use Post-Its to make notes in my books as I

--- Jay Herzog <zogboy at> wrote:

> Some lucky bastard already has his hands on one....

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