Dies Irae

rich richard.romeo at gmail.com
Fri Oct 6 08:18:30 CDT 2006

hello friends

speaking of Underworld and DeLillo, it turns out that Bobby Thompson who hit
the home run off Ralph Branca which is detailed in the great beginning of
Underworld may have benefited from secret signals that the Giants used to
let the batter know what pitch the Dodger pitchers were throwing.
also, research shows that apparently Hoover was not at the game that day but
meeting with Eisenhower

i'm sure Mr D would be amused by these developments


On 10/6/06, paolo beneforti <pbeneforti at inwind.it> wrote:
> I'm so sorry for Genna, but thedistance and the differences between
> DeLillo's novels and his one are very very large.
> Ya Sam ha scritto:
> >  2006 is definitely the year of big books. The forthcoming publication
> >  of AtD seems to be attracting such novels like a huge star attracting
> >  smaller planets. The French Holocaust novel (written by an American),
> >  the two volume Russian anti-avante-guarde book, and now I stumbled
> >  upon the rage of contemporary Italian fiction 'Dies Irae' by Giuseppe
> >  Genna who has said a couple of good words about Pynchon 'that genius
> >  whom I consider to be the greatest living writer' (questo genio, che
> >  considero il massimo scrittore vivente)
> >  http://www.blackmailmag.com/Intervista_a_Giuseppe_Genna.htm
> >
> >  but has chosen to emulate DeLillo: My translation (literal), correct
> >  me if I'm wrong
> >
> >  'An epic novel projected onto the vast human theatre, DIES IRAE is a
> >  candidate for the role of DeLillo's Underworld in Italy. It is a
> >  vivid, ironic and despaired fresco of the 25 years of the collective
> >  and individual history. [...] An historical novel, bourgeois novel,
> >  lumpen-proletarian novel, horror novel, metaphysical novel. A novel
> >  that wages war against the certainties of history and the mind, and
> >  does not take prisoners.
> >
> >
> >  Romanzo epico, proiettato su un teatro umano vastissimo, DIES IRAE si
> >  candida a ricoprire in Italia il ruolo di Underworld di DeLillo. È
> >  l�affresco vivo, ironico, disperato di venticinque anni di storia
> >  collettiva e individuale. [...] Un romanzo storico, borghese,
> >  sottoproletario, horror, metafisico. Che muove guerra alle certezze
> >  della storia e della mente, e non fa prigionieri.
> >
> >  http://www.24sette.it/diesirae/
> >
> >  _________________________________________________________________
> >  Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's
> >  FREE! http://messenger.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200471ave/direct/01/
> >
> >
> >
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